Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of july weekend

Just updating on my progress. Haven't been keeping good track of my food intake or going to the gym over this fourth of july weekend. I went to the holyoke fireworks on the 2nd, went out to a bar b q on the 3rd with my sister and her fiance, and went to a friends house on the 4th for some more bar b q and fireworks. So I've had a busy weekend and haven't made it to the gym or kept track of the food I was eating.. I was trying to eat smaller portions and make smarter choices as well as keeping active. Took today(5th) to just kinda relax and not do anything but back to the gym on tuesday.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Sleep is important!!!

Had to get up really early today because I had put in a request to fight a speeding ticket 2 years ago and finally got a court date. Something must have gotten messed up because it was so old the police didn't even have the record of the exact account. The judge gave them a 2 week continuation and if they still can't come up with the case I get off. YAY!!

I usually don't get up this early and I don't really feel like I can take a nap, but am feeling lazy and lethargic today. Hopefully I can get in some good workouts, but it's really important to get proper sleep for a weight loss program.

It's been shown that being sleep deprived lowers your energy for exercise and activity. It also makes you more hungery as your trying to get more energy in the form of sugar to replace your lost sleep. I am going to try to start getting to bed earlier and then getting up early won't disturb my sleep. For me it also seems that the more hours I have awake the more oportunities I have to eat, so sleeping 8-10 hours a day is better than 6 for the one fact that it gives me more hours to eat or think about food.

Food and Exercise Log:6-29-2010

This was a good day as far as calories. Nutrition was not as good as it could be. Wife got me the breakfast sandwich from dunkin(very high fat). Didn't drink any calories and kept snacking down. I had a very light dinner in the huke lau chicken stir fry with no added carb(usually you get noodles or rice). It was general a good day. I'm glad I got back into workout out.

Breakfast:Egg sandwich:500 cal, 18g protein

lunch: seafood salad roll w/chicken veg soup:400cal, 15g protein

dinner:chicken veg stir fry:300 cal, 27g protein

snack:peanut butter crackers:200 cal, 5g protein

total:1400 cal, 65g protein

20 min elliptical:300 cal
20 min rowing machine:200 cal
20 min bike:100 cal

total: 600 cal

food - exercise - metabolic rate = 1400 - 600 - 2800 = -2000 cal

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Food and exercise log:6-28-2010

Breakfast: plain yogurt with blueberries:180 cal, 12g protein

Lunch: turkey sandwich with miracle whip and crackers:550 cal, 40g protein

Dinner: pork chops with fat trimmed rice and corn on the cob:800 cal, 50g protein

Total:1530 cal, 102g protein

25 min elliptical:250 cal

45 min weights:400 cal
3 set of 10 lat pulldown @ 130lb
3 set of 10 dumbell press @ 110lb
3 set of 10 one arm dumbell row @ 35lb ea arm
3 set of 10 butterfly machine @ 110lb
3 set of 20 crunch machine @ 100lbs
3 set of 10 dumbell side fly @ 15lb
3 set of 10 dumbell forward extension @ 15lb
3 set of 10 bicep curl @ 25lb

total:650 cal

food - exercise - metabolic = 1530 - 650 - 2800 = -1920 cal

Today was the first time in a while that I got a good workout in and stuck to a stricter diet and didn't eat out at all. Felt good to be sweating in the gym again. will maintain into the future.

food and exercise log:6-27-2010

Breakfast:cottage cheese with strawberries:220 cal, 15g protein

lunch:olive garden soup salad and breadstick:750 cal, 12g protein

Dinner:skipped dinner junk food snacks in evening

snacks:ring dings:200 cal, 1g protein. glass milk:200 cal, 16g protein

total:1370 cal

30 min walk:150 cal

total:150 cal

food - exercise - metabolic rate = 1370 - 150 - 2800 = - 1580 cal

Olive garden salad is surprisingly high in calories because they drench it in salad dressing no doubt. The soup is very low in calories but high in sodium and the breadsticks can really add up at my meal I only had one. Didn't get alot of exercise in this day, but every little bit helps.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sickness and distractions

So I have posted in a little while. I was sick and then I got involved in buying a new car for my wife for her birthday. Then celebrating her birthday, etc. Haven't been sticking to my diet well but have tried to make good decisions. I also haven't been to the gym in a week. I am still down from my original weight, but have gained a bit of the weight I had lost. I will be posting a status updated with weight and pictures soon hopefully.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Food and Exercise log:6-22-2010

Breakfast:breakfast wrap and iced coffee no sweetener or creamer:350 cal, 15g protein

Skipped lunch

Dinner:Hamburger with bun, corn on the cob with butter & raw veggies:600 cal, 26g protein

Snacks:hotdog no bun:150 cal, 6g protein. Chips with queso dip:350 cal, 2g protein.

Total:1450 cal, 49g protein.


Total 0

food - exercise - metabolic rate = 1450 - 0 - 2800 = - 1350 cal.

Diet for calories today was good, but the nutritional content was not very low protein and very few veggies. I didn't exercise today again because I was feeling sick. I am feeling better now so I think I will resume an exercise routine tomorrow. I feel that if my calculations are correct I am still on track and doing well in my weight loss goals, even if they may not be as spectacular as I had hoped.

Exercise and Food log:6-21-2010

Breakfast: plain yogurt and banana:200 cal, 12g protein

Lunch:Friendly's grilled flounder w/veggies and rice:1000 cal, 36g protein

Dinner:healthy chicken and broccoli w/rice:500 cal, 26g protein

Snacks:1 scoop vanilla ice cream:200 cal, 2g protein

Total 1900 cal, 76g protein



Total 0

food - exercise - metabolic rate = 1900 - 0 - 2800 = -900.

still losing weight with a barely ok diet plan. Was sick this day and didn't feel like trying to hard, plus the ice cream was a leftovers offer. For some reason I can't allow food to be wasted. Better luck next time.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Food and exercise log:6-20-2010

breakfast: 1 kabob:300 cal, 25g protein

lunch: 1/2 grilled cheese burger w/ broccoli:800 cal, 20g protein

dinner: healthy menu steamed chicken and veggies with rice: 500 cal, 25g protein

snacks: donut:150 cal. Chetos:130 cal.

Total 1680 cal

35min elliptical: 430 cal

total -430

food - exercise - metabolic rate = 1680-430-2800=-1350 cal

broke down and had a few late night junk food snacks and had a half portion of a very bad burger. I did stay completely away from calorie containing drinks including alcohol.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Friendleys ultimate grilled cheese burger

Went out to friendleys for fathersday. All burgers were only 5 dollars today. Had to get a burger and I find the "ultimate grilled cheese burger". It's 2 grilled cheese sandwichs with a big 1/2 lb burger sandwiched inbetween. It has 1500 cal and 100g of fat!!! I split it with my wife and added a side of broccoli. That's still 800 cal meal, but if I'm careful the rest of the day I should be ok.


Didn't get to workout formally yesterday so made sure I got a bit in today. Only 30 min on the elliptical, but was pretty dead after and had to force myself to complete it. Either I'm getting burne out from working out every day or I need more carbs. Anyways I think I'll rest for the rest of the day. Happy fathersday to me.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Drinking your calories.

Been having trouble with staying away from calorie containing drinks. They add calories very quickly without your real awareness. Today I had almost 300 calories in my beverages and yesterday I consumed more. I will continue to try and keep a pact to drink only water or unsweetened coffee or iced tea. Some people like to substitute diet drinks, but I hate the taste and some studies have shown that artificial sweeteners can actually cause you to gain weight. I've heard of people shedding pounds by simply giving up soda. I'm not really a soda drinker though, it's the beer that gets me. Anyways time to give up the beer I guess.

Food and Exercise Log:6-19-2010


Brunch:3 turkey/refried bean tacos:600 cal, 45g protein

Dinner:2 Kabobs(tuna, chicken, beef, green pepper, onion, summer squash) and fruit salad:800 cal, 100g protein

Snacks and other: 16oz beer:200 cal, 4oz of slushy:50 cal

Total:1650 cal, 145g protien


20 min driving range:127 cal

5 min batting cage:36 cal

15 min bicycle:81 cal

Total -240 cal

food - exercise - base rate= 1650 - 240 - 2800= -1390

Today was a bit disapointing, didn't get any good workouts in so the exercise is very low.. The Y closes early on the weekend and went out in the day to play at the driving range hense the 20 minutes of driving. High calorie drinks drove my count up some as did it yesterday.. Still drinking alot of water and mostly water with meals, but a beer or two here is still hurting me.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Food and Exercise Log:6-18-2010

Breakfast: Jimmy deans breakfast bowl: 400 cal, 25g protein

Lunch:Brown rice pasta with chicken and mixed veggie red sauce: 500 cal, 20g protein

Dinner:DQ grilled chicken salad:230 cal, 26g protein

snack:1 homebaked cookie:100 cal, 0g protein. 12 seagrams winecooler:150 cal. 20oz powerade:130 cal, 0g protein.

Total 1510 cal, 71g protein

65 min elliptical:730 cal

120 min bowling:430 cal

Total - 1160 cal

food - exercise - metabolic rate = 1510 - 1160 - 2800 = -2450

Ate alittle too much low quality carbs and sugar and resulted in an on target calorie count, but a too low protein count. Slightly disappointed in todays performance will try harder tomorrow.

Cravings and Temptations

It's only been a couple of days and already I am having the internal battle to resist overeating and fattening foods. My wife made cookies today for my sons last day of preschool. I have to admit I had one(100 cal), but stopped there. Also went to home depot and I love the hotdog stand they have out front, it's been closed for the colder months and is now open serving tasty sausages wrapped in greasy grilled buns. My wife and son got a hotdog and chips, I went without having already had a healthy lunch of brown rice pasta w/chicken & veggie sauce(500 cal).

An important realization for me was that I need to stick to my meals and not snack inbetween. Many healthy diets recomend 5 to 6 small meals a day, but at 1500 calorie limit each day that leaves each meal being about 300 calories.. that's not a meal and makes me feel unsatisfied.. So I am breaking it up into a more traditional 3 meals 400-500 cal meals a day with the allowance for one snack(100-200 cal) if I am feeling hungery or low blood sugar. This should keep me in line with a daily intake between 1200-1700 a day.

I think it's important to make a line in the sand and try to stick to it. Once you allow little transgressions you start to slide down a slippery slope.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Helpful websites

Used this calculator to figure out what my BMI was and how I rated on the obesity scale.

Used this site to calculate my base metabolic rate to figure out how much of a calorie deficit I have each day.

Remember as you lose weight or change your activity level these numbers change and should be reasses periodically.

Calorie Counting:weight loss math

Calories seem to be the universal measure of energy in fitness and weight loss. There are other systems such as Mets which are less popular. The math in calorie counting weight loss programs is pretty simple here's how it works;

A lb of body weight is equated to roughly 3500 calories. Every time you take in less than you burn you have a calorie deficit that contributes to your weight loss. Alternatively if you consume more calories than you take in you have a calorie surplus that contributes to weight gain.

Calories that are added are your food and calories that are subtracted are your base metabolic rate(calories you burn while doing nothing to keep your heart beating etc) and your activity(exercise, etc).

So calculating your weekly weight loss goals you need to take the number of lbs you want to lose times 3500 calories and then divide that number by 7 days to figure out how much of a deficit you need each day. This can be achieved by either exercise or diet or a combination of both. So food calories - metabolic rate - exercise = deficit in your ideal setting.

example:I want to lose 2lbs a week that is a 7000 calorie deficit. 7000/7 = 1000. so my food - metabolic rate - exercise should = -1000.. If I ate 2000 calories and my metabolic rate was 2200 calories I would need to add 800 calories of exercise to achieve my -1000 goal for the day. 2000-2200-800=-1000.

Food and Exercise Log:6-17-2010

Breakfast:1 cup plain fat-free yogurt with 1 medium banana cut up: 210 cal, 12g protein

Lunch: 3 Turkey/Refried beans taco's: 600 cal, 65g protein

dinner: 1/4 hamberger no bun with peas no butter: 400 cal, 30g protein

Snacks: 1/4 cup mixed nuts:250cal, 6g protein. 12oz beer:150 cal

Water with all meals no juice or soda. One beer as noted.

Total 1610 cal, 113g protein


25 minutes treadmill walk(3mph):200 cal burn

45 minutes weight training legs:400 cal burn
3 sets squat:115, 185, 205
3 sets leg extension:90, 100, 110
3 sets leg curl:90, 110, 120
3 sets hip abductor:130, 150, 170
3 sets hip adductor:130, 150, 170
3 sets leg press:230, 270, 350
3 sets prone leg curl:90, 100, 100
3 sets standing calf extension:50, 70, 80

60 minute bicycle ride on the hilly streets of holyoke:200 cal

Total -800 cal

Net calories for the day 1610-800=810 cal

my base metabolic need for calories is 2815 so I am short 810 - 2815= - 2005

My Goals

My goal is to get down to 175lbs at 9% or less body fat. This gives me a slightly overweight BMI, but with a low body fat I should be pretty ripped so I'll look good even if the doc will tell me I gotta lose a few lbs.

At a current weight of 230lbs and fat percent of 30% I have 69lbs of fat weighing me down. To be 9% at 175 I need that number to go down to 16lbs. This means that I need to lose fat only and maintain just about all my lean body mass to achieve my goal. That is why I am going to be including a good amount of weight training into my routine as well as aerobics and going with a low glycemic low fat diet with plenty of lean protein and veggies to give me fuel.

I am interested in using supplements to improve my results. I'm not sure which ones to use yet though, many of the thermogenic supplements have come under attack for causing various issues such as heart problems and kidney failure. Creatine which helps increase energy for weightlifting has been used for many years without bad side effects. Looking at CLA a natural fat that helps burn fat.

I'm also going to be using an app called loseit on my iphone that can help me track my food calories and exercise.

The Beginning

After letting my weight spiral out of control for years, and making feble attempts at curing the problem, I have found myself at the unbelievable collossal mass of 230lbs.. on my 5'8" frame that puts me at a BMI of 35, clinically OBESE.

I have decided to make a true commitment to weightloss, and as a tribute to this commitment I am starting this blog to make the commitment real and public. I will have to answer to everyone who reads my blog, friends, family, strangers who've happened upon it. Everyone will see my success or failure and I will document every meal and workout to keep an acurate log of my progress.